

The game changer in sports club fundraising

The worlds first online store that gives customers the ability to share revenue from each transaction with their sporting club of choice.

People want great deals online and sporting clubs need income to survive. Teambuys makes it all possible for your Club.

For Clubs: It’s free to register your sporting Club on our database in order to appear as a Club to select when shoppers purchase items through Teambuys and nominate  your Club to send a portion of the transaction to your Club. Easy to raise funds, while your members can happily shop on Teambuys!

Sign Up For Clubs

For Shoppers: Simply become a member, nominate your sporting club and start shopping! Every transaction generates cash income for your nominated sports club. Lots of new products and more great deals are regularly released. It’s free to register as a shopping member. Shop till you drop and feel good while helping your club raise much needed funds!

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You win, team wins!

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