In this release we have rolled out a major update to GameDay that will impact all users. Based on user feedback, we’ve made a number of significant updates which we hope will improve your experience using GameDay.

As part of this release, all users will be required to reset their password to continue to access GameDay. All users will receive an email from SportsTG to reset their password following the release on Monday, October 7 2019. (Email Subject: We’ve updated GameDay and need you to reset your password)

New Features:
New URL to access GameDay:
New dashboard & reporting tools – powered by Sisense
New-look registration forms & links – existing links will be re-directed to the new link
Single log-in account for admins if you have access to multiple organisations – users will be required to reset their password
Refunds & Partial Refund capability – new workflow for refunds, partial refund (refunding of individual products) is now supported
Re-Send Invoice – new feature added as part of this release
Cancelling unpaid order – new feature added as part of this release
Hierarchy View – new feature added as part of this release
Updated user interface throughout the system including new screens

Functionality Changes:
Age Rules – change in logic for determining age rules for products & questions
Pay/Add Registration – new workflow
Product Creation Wizard – new workflow
Registration form flow for first time participants – when the user login to the form, there’s no more ‘myself’ or ‘someone else’ concept, the user will need to register a new participant
Straight Refund Period – updated logic where any organisation can now set their own refund period
Inline edit is disabled, now when editing a field/record a small pop up window will open to complete an edit
Field sorting is not supported in this release
Discounts functionality has been disabled as part of this release
Org Permissions & Configuration has been disabled as part of this release
Competition & Web Portal menu options have been disabled as part of this release
Clearance settings has been disabled as part of this release
Hyperlinks on email/phone fields has been removed as part of this release

Resolved Issues:
Login to functionality – this functionality is now fully operational as part of this release
New operating environment to increase speed and page responsiveness
Improved browser compatibility
List filters now display total number of records and pages
Form builder – answer options will only show for custom questions. Cannot add new answer options for pre-defined questions