We are proud to be shining a spotlight on some of the organisations and products that form part of our GameDay Marketplace. 

GameDay Marketplace provides users with a one-stop shop to find out about all of GameDay’s products, including any available integrations, along with partner products and feature products as part of the wider GameDay ecosystem.

This week, we will learn more about Mailchimp

What is Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps you manage and talk to your clients, customers, and other interested parties. Their approach to marketing focuses on healthy contact management practices, beautifully designed campaigns, and powerful data analysis.

Recently, we announced integration plans with Mailchimp.

The product integration with Mailchimp will make it easy to bring member data from your organisations GameDay account into Mailchimp.

By connecting your organisations Mailchimp and GameDay accounts, all members from your organisation will sync to a nominated audience list in Mailchimp, with any new members or updated details continuing to sync on a daily basis.

Mailchimp will be available as a direct product integration via GameDay & Passport from October 2022.

To view our full range of partners and services, visit the GameDay Marketplace!