Release Notes: 12 December 2018

With Christmas closing in quickly, our focus was on tidying up sport specific issues and releasing sport specific features and general behind the scenes clean up.


  • Change wording of payment options when creating a Product.  The options are now: Payment Gateway Only and Payment Gateway or Manually set Product as Paid

Release Notes: 28 November 2018

  • With Migration/Upgrades being the focal point, the team honed in on providing prompt response/support to our existing clients that are coming onto the GameDay Platform from our legacy platforms in order to ensure a smooth transition.

Resolved issues:

  • Inconsistencies with member records were resolved
  • GameDay Clubs are being charged for state and national refunds on their settlements.   This has been resolved.
  • Member is showing as Financial without purchasing a product.
  • Ability for State Administrator to Access Club’s Shared Down Registration Forms

Release Notes: 8 November 2018

  • Introduced Bundle Discounts, giving admins the ability to cater for a number of discount scenarios including family memberships [View Support Documents – How do I create discounts?How do to I change a discount?,  How do I deactivate a discount?]
    • NOTE: this feature is off by default, to turn it on the org must be enabled with the ‘Bundle Discounts – Manage’ permission
  • Introduced the new GDP login 
  • Minor updates and defect fixes for managing bank accounts, registration emails, rego forms (both ends) and vouchers

Resolved Issues:

  • You can now create different default bank accounts for different currencies.
  • Registration emails were not received for other organisation’s Products when using shared form.
  • Processing fee was displayed as the original amount in emails after a discount/voucher was applied.
  • Only show voucher field for Membership products when members are registering as a participant
  • The Product Summary and Cart on a registration form now shows amounts with 2 decimal places.

Release Notes: 17 October 2018

  • resolved some issues related to admin logins, member form records and registration forms, products and fixture generation

Resolved Issues:

  • Forms are duplicated in member record
  • Product description appears only for optional Products.  Now it appears for all products.
  • “Login to” Issues have been resolved
  • Admin cannot log into 2 clubs
  • Fixture generation is not working.

Release Notes: 10 October 2018

Fixed some financial bugs for wave dashboard, settlements and processing refunds

Made forms available inclusive of the expiry date set

Resolved issues:

  • Wave Dashboard Financial Report does not show past 23rd May 2018
  • Unable to process refunds – National Level
  • Error code in Settlements list

New Features:

  • Forms will be Active inclusive of the day of “Expiry Date”

Release Notes: 3 October 2018

  • resolved some issues related to logging in and registering
  • released the ability for teams to hold a unique code that identifies them within their club and league

New Features:

Competitions > Teams:

  •  Organisation Can Specify A Team Code [View Support document]
  •  Team Codes are now created automatically.

Resolved Issues:

  • Removed Ts&Cs link from registration form login screen
  • Show Products on ‘Available Until’ date

Release Notes: 26 September 2018

Fixed some outstanding issues with membership.

Resolved issues:


  • Fixed – Member list not appearing in child organisations
  • Fixed – Member’s Status does not change to ‘Active’ on Membership Effective date

Release Notes: 19 September 2018

  • Released the new members to teams page, giving admins a single page to manage their members (and their associated characteristics) in teams, competitions and games
  • Various UI enhancements and defect fixes related to results entry, rego forms, member types and venues

The following items have been released:

New Features:

Competitions > Teams:

Resolved Issues:

My Organisation:

  • Renamed Player to Participant in settings table


  • Automatically claim venues when claiming playing surfaces, facilities etc.

Release Notes: 12 September 2018

  • Released functionality allowing a club to compete in competitions across multiple leagues
  • Minor ui improvements for manage games/results entry screen
  • Resolved a number of registration and finance related issues

The following items have been released:

New Features:

Clubs can now associate themselves to more than one parent association allowing them to play in competitions across multiple leagues.  See below support articles.

Resolved Issues:

  • Removed Processing Fees from the Dashboard
  • Conditional questions error message
  • Dates not showing on Members Finance page
  • “Successful registration” email not updating wording

Release Notes: 05 September 2018

  • Released the new members to teams page, giving admins a single page to manage their members (and their associated characteristics) in teams, competitions and games

New Features:

Competitions > Teams:

  • There is a new Members to Teams page
  • You can manage player characteristics via the Members to Teams page when adding players to fixtures
  • You can filter the list of members from which you can select players
  • You can add number and positions when you add members to a team

The following support articles are available:

Release Notes: 29 August 2018

  • Released the new manage games/results entry screen giving administrators better visibility of game data submission on game day
  • Resolved a number of defects related to member types, financial status and registration forms
  • Made a few minor UX improvements

New Features:


  • You can enter single or multiple game results quickly from the Game Results & Documentation page. [View Support Document]
  • There is visibility of results and tasks that have been completed or are outstanding for each game.
  • When creating a competition, the next button on each page has changed to Save & Continue.  The ensures that each page saves in case you want to exit the competition and come back later to finish it.

Release Notes: 15 August 2018

  • fixed defects relating to venues, games, unpaid orders, financial status, emailing of members
  • made improvements to member profile login and update of account details

New Features:

Products & Forms:

  • Warn admin user about missing member types when adding a product to a form that doesn’t allow registrations by the product member type


  • Previously Paid National and/or State Fee Financial Status are now recognised when a member registers for a new organisation

Web Portal:


  • Venues:  renamed Claim Availability button to Add a venue to My Venues

Release Notes: 01 August 2018

We fixed a number of issues related to venues, schedule templates, reports, member merging, registration forms and viewing members.

Resolved Issues:


  • Members: Cannot filter by Product in By Membership tab – removed By Product filter and added By Product tab


  • Calendar: 1-Hour time slot is Divided into 3 Sub-time slots
  • Venues: Opening-Closing Time should now be he same when creating a Venue
  • Venues: Venue unable to be selected when creating new match in competition


  • New version of Member and Financial transaction reports release [View Support ArticleNOTE: these reports have been temporarily hidden due to technical issues.  We will advise you when they are available again.
  • Custom Questions report now generates data

Products & Forms:

  • “Terms and Conditions” summary/full text field now displays content when the question is added to the form from ” Add existing question”

Release Notes: 25 July 2018

– Removed the option for ‘Partial Refund’ from the User Interface (UI) to prevent users from using this feature. The Partial Refund UI will be resurfaced once issues with the underlying logic has been resolved.

Release Notes: 18 July 2018

New Features:


  • User Interface: Secondary Menus now display as a drop-down [View Support Article]
  • Gave participants/guardians the ability to login to the web portal and view/update their details (contact details, transactions etc) [View Support Article]

Registration Forms: 


  • We released the Calendar screen, giving users a single day view of all games across their venues, including the ability to drag/drop, and see games from other leagues.  [View Support Article]

 Resolved Issues:


  • Member Types setup in form in Admin section do not reflect correctly on Rego form
  • National Confirmation Email Inherited by Lower Level Organisations
  • Processing Fee is not visible on Rego Form for PVT National Products


  • Create New Competition error message fixed
  • Venue status – unable to edit – current functionality only allows editing by owner of the venue.
  • Unable To Add A Ladder Adjustment

Release Notes: 11 July 2018

  • Resolved a defect where logging in as an org below in the hierarchy appears to inherit your forms to their org
  • Resolved a defect where a blank page was displaying when viewing a payment record for a member

Release Notes: 04 July 2018

– Resolved a number of Membership & Registration form related defects and released a number of new features

The following items have been released:

New Features:


– Search: Global search results now only display a single instance of member record in search results


– Registration Forms: added Status filter to Registration forms Page [View Support Article]

– Registration Forms: added Default Subject line for Registration Success Email [View Support Article]

– Financial Status: Purchasing a $0 Product will now recognise a Member as Financial at the level the Product  has been created

Resolved Issues:


– Reduce load time on Dashboard Page


– Registration Forms: Resolved an issue where users were unable to edit Mandatory Status on Registration form Questions

– Registration Forms: Existing Custom Questions will now only display for the Organisation that created Question

– Registration Forms: Background image re-instated on Registration forms

– Registration Forms: Resolved an issue where Member Types were not  inherited when Registration forms were shared down

– Registration Forms:  Social Media Login on Registration Forms has been temporarily removed

My Organisation:

– Financial: Timestamp Issue in settlement exports resolved

– Dashboard Reports: Financial Reports now displays data up until the current date

Release Notes: 27 June 2018

– Removed the secondary menu, meaning one less click each time an administrator navigates to a different page

– Released the ability to display products conditional to member type, gender and DOB range

– Released the ability to display questions conditional to member type, gender, age range and response to other questions

– Resolved a number of Membership related defects

The following items have been released:

New Features:


– User Interface: Secondary Menus now display as a drop-down [View Support Article]


– Registration Forms: Conditional Products functionality [View Support Article]

– Allow Conditional products based on member type

– Product screen to appear on registration form for non-playing member types

– Registration form to display Conditional products based on member type

– Registration Forms: Conditional Questions functionality [View Support Article]

– Set-up Conditional questions based on member type, gender, age range and responses to other questions 

– Registration form to display Conditional questions based on criteria for member type, gender, age range and responses to other questions

Resolved Issues:


– Resolved an error prompted by a Search for a member on the ‘By Membership’ tab

– Memberships tab now only shows members who have memberships belonging to that organisation or from within the hierarchy

– Resolved an issue when signing out of a registration form causing an error when registering a new account

My Organisation:

– Finances: Restore ability to export settlements

Release Notes: 20 June 2018

Resolved Issues:


Settlement Screen: 

– Added Settlement Number

– Amount column populating data where missing

– Remove checkboxes next to each Settlement record

Release Notes: 13 June 2018

New Features:


– Financial: Implemented ability to take NZ Dollar payments and generate Bank File for NZD

Resolved Issues:


– Web Portal: Display Team Name & Abbreviated Name Correctly On Web Portal


– Registration Forms: Resolved some minor issues in Form builder

– Registration Forms: Removed hardcoding of AUD in registration forms

– Refunds: Fixed an error message issue when processing refunds within straight refund period

Release Notes: 06 June 2018

New Features:


– Renamed Transaction Fee to Processing Fees

– Ability to add Bank Details in New Zealand format 


– Communications: Option To Send Email To All Members [View Support Article]

– Communications: Ability to view sent messages and their status [View Support Article]

– Communications: Ability To Send Communications to Unpaid Members [View Support Article]

Resolved Issues:


– Member ID: resolved an issue where incorrect ID number was appearing in Member ID

– Member Types: Ability to edit details of a member type 

– Member Screen: Add Member Type or Role button now working

– Member Screen: Legal Name change now reflects on Member Record

My Organisation:

– Financial: Resolved Error Screen when viewing Tax Invoice for Settlement

Release Notes: 30 May 2018

New Features:


– Dashboard Screen: an update to the Dashboard Screen with additional Filters and Metrics for the Membership Summary and Revenue sections [Article: Overview of Dashboard]

Resolved Issues:


– Dashboard Screen: Improved the accuracy and relevancy of metrics within the dashboard screen (Note: Member Metrics will currently only display for Member Type of Player)

– Web Portal: Cleaned up various display elements on the web portal pages such as hiding of unused pages

– Organisation Logos: Default & Custom Organisation Logos now display

– Browser: Favicon now displays the SportsTG logo when using the system


– Fixed a bug for some users related to the validation of a DOB when entered on a registration form which indicated “Date of Birth cannot be a future date”

Release Notes: 23 May 2018

New Features:


– Refunds: Ability for administrators to refund an order from any level, including partial refunds [Article: How do I refund an order?]

– Member List: Added a new Member List view to show a single row per unique member [Article: Changes To The Display Of Member Lists]

– Member Details Screen: Changes to the display of member details screen to show a single view of a human record, with their organisation relationships. [Article: Changes To The Display Of Members]

– Registration Form: viewing a registration form will default to the Account Login screen

Resolved Issues:


– Fixed a bug related to the display of historical team names

– Fixed a bug relating to records created by inactive administrators

– Fixed some issues on the web portal including an issue where the final score of 0 was not appearing on the schedule page

– Fixed the display of Team Name & Team Abbreviated Name in TG Platform & Web Portal

Release Notes: for period between 21 February – 09 May 2018

New Features:



  • Scrolling on Login Screen if Admin of Multiple Orgs
  • Log in To Functionality – Higher level org admins being able to login to lower level organisations in their hierarchy 

User Interface:


  • New Dashboard Design
  • New Graphs (By Member Type, By Gender, By Age Group)
  • New summary sections for Revenue, Members, Teams & Games

Primary Navigation menu:

  • Ordered as follows: My Organisation / Memberships / Products & Forms / Competitions / Reports
  • Remove Global Settings Cog > Add settings as required to each section

My Organisation menu:

  • Ordered as follows: Dashboard |Organisation Details | Admins & Contacts | Finances | My Hierarchy | Teams | Venues | Webpage | Settings (with the cog – includes Financial Settings)
  • Make Organisation Details the default screen
  • change Webpage to Web Portal
  • remove “Registration fees & Forms”
  • Soft Descriptor – moved to financial settings
  • Transaction Fee settings – moved to financial settings

Memberships menu:

  • Ordered as follows: Dashboard / Members / Products & Forms / Clearances / Communications
  • Move unpaid to sub of Members tab
  • Hide “Renewals”
  • Move Finances to “My Org > Finances”
  • Move members to teams to Competitions
  • Hide “Qualifications”

Products & Forms (formerly Registration Fees & Forms):

  • Change naming throughout platform from Fees to Products
  • remove “Merchandise”
  • Products & Forms Screen:
    • Remove tab for “Forms Shared with Me”
    • Combine My Forms & Forms Shared with me on single screen
    • Add Member Types, Form Status, Registrations Status & Last Modified Date
    • Add Action Buttons to the right of the form (ie Edit, Copy Form URL)
    • Copy form URL link added
  • Add “Use This Form” button on the Form View Screen                    
  • Improve UX for “Use this form feature”
  • Sort registration form list by most recently edited   


  • Consolidated Reports into Primary Navigation menu
  • change My Reports to My Saved Reports
  • change sub menus to: Standard Reports / My Saved Reports / Dashboard


  • Remove Settings cog from Primary Navigation
  • Move settings cog to each Main Menu section
  • Remove Financial Settings from Settings Cog
  • Move Split Rules to Financial Settings
  • My Organisation Settings Cog:
    • Member Types (National Only)
    • Seasons & Age Groups
  • Competitions Settings Cog:
    • All other Settings currently under Settings Cog


  • Text changes on global search
  • Global Search To Search For Teams, Venues and Competitions


  • All Pages – Update © Copyright 2018 SportsTG. All rights reserved. 
  • Org Logos – Default org logos are now an Org Logo Image
  • Homepage Dashboard – Selecting “Star” logo should take you to a Global Dashboard
  • Organisation Logos in Lists:
    • alter size to 40 x 40 – refer to My Hierarchy screen
  • Modal (pop-up) Screens:
    • Action buttons should be floating at bottom – so always visible to user 
  • Include Organisation name under name of the user on the top right hand side
  • Redirect Competition Dashboard to System Dashboard page
  • When user clicks Membership primary tab, it will default to Members list page.
  • Auto-fit size of the text box when user increase the size of send email pop-up box

My Organisation:

Organisation Details:

  • Contact Details – Change to Organisation Details
  • change Photo URL to Org Logo
  • change default image to an Org logo Image

Admins & Contacts Screen:

  • Officers & Permissions – change name to “Admins & Contacts”
  • Put options on top of action buttons 
  • Move Action buttons to right
  • Add Status Column
  • Add Username Column
  • changed “Status’ to “Admin Status”
  • change enable user to “enable admin” or “disable admin”
  • Manage admin users: Clean-up enable/disable contact screen
  • Use pop-up screen to create new contact

Bank Details & Finances:

  • Hide Bank Account Numbers in UI
  • Right align ‘Total Charge’ field on the settlement report
  • Only allow one active bank account at a time
  • Don’t allow edit/delete of any bank account that has transactions against it 
  • Combine the Charge and Charge Tax field into one field and show combined value 


Registration Forms:

  • Settings tab:
    • Remove the “Make available to” button from Club level
  • Questions & Layout tab:
    • Content button (top left) – remove this
    • Existing Questions – ensure only questions within your hierarchy can be seen/searched on
    • Remove Custom Error text when adding a Custom Question
    • Custom Question hover text (in back-end) – spelling mistake for override – should be “override”
  • Adding Custom Questions:
    • Making a question Mandatory – “Mandatory” checkbox should be on the first pop-up screen when adding a new custom question
  • Test & Publish tab:
    • Add button to “Copy form Link” – this will copy form to your clipboard
    • Filled in Test Form and Answers – change this to “Filled in Draft Form and Answers”
  • Other:
    • Highlight which fields are optional, rather than mandatory
    • Indicate Inactive Form To Consumer  
    • Increase size of Ts&Cs Summary Field when adding new Ts&Cs Question                 
    • Display Ts&Cs Title On Consumer View Of Rego Form          
    • Show SportsTG Favicon In Browser Tab For All Rego Forms


  • Utilise New Email Service For Sending Emails From Member Lists


  • Consolidating “Reports” under a single page and menu item 
  • Updates to Members Report
  • Default fields for Organisation Report
  • Remove Unused Fields From Organisation List Report
  • Default fields for Administrators Report 
  • Remove Unused Fields From Administrators Report

Release Notes: 09 February 2018

New Features:

– Administrator Login screen – can now scroll through a list of organisations user is linked to

– Competitions Report – Games Played Report – Manual Report available upon request
– Ability to alter multiple fixtures in one process during the season
– If Competition type is Home & Away, a prompt to add Home Venues for new teams is now prompted
– Surface ‘Reason’ Field on Mass Fixture Update Pop-Up

Resolved Issues:

– Duplicates tab showing no duplicates
– Unable to resolve duplicates at State level